Conference goals
The conference exerts its efforts to achieve the following goals:
• Strengthening scientific research and linguistic communication in the disciplines of foreign languages, translation and teaching foreign languages.
• Encouraging scientific research and studies concerned in foreign languages; their role in communication and strengthening national identity in all linguistic disciplines.
• Achieving communication among scholars, researchers and specialists interested in foreign languages, translation and teaching foreign languages, and strengthening communication and scientific partnerships between them.
• Researching all issues and topics related to foreign languages, translation and language teaching in the departments of foreign languages and literature.
• Discussing issues and topics related to foreign languages in various disciplines and professions.
• Spreading awareness of the importance of foreign languages at the level of the individual, family, community, government and private institutions, in a way that enhances linguistic communication.
• Encouraging successful initiatives and experiences concerned in foreign languages, translation and teaching, and working to employ them in all aspects of life.
• Benefiting from field and personal experiences in developing the learning and teaching of foreign languages.
• Paying attention to research, studies, tests and standards concerned in the treatment of foreign languages and their role in strengthening national identity.
• Supporting efforts that work on computerizing foreign languages and translation, and linking them to industry, technology and commerce.
• Supporting policies, legislations and plans that work on developing foreign languages and translation and investing them in administration, education, labor market and media.
• Searching for modern educational sources to serve foreign languages and translation in ways that are compatible with the present epoch; caring for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers.